
Coaching? Coaching!

Yes, coaching is available for you via phone call or video, making it globally accessible. How can you take part?

Visit and request a session or buy a 6-pack for a discount.

What kind of coaching is this? It’s LYHL Coaching. It’s purpose is to help you Live Your Healthiest Life (LYHL). Health is integrated. Our musculoskeletal health is important - so places such as Artisan PT are important. But our health is not just physical. It’s also behavioral, mental, emotional, spiritual.

LYHL Coaching offers a place where you can explore all these domains by identifying your desires and goals, barriers and beliefs that are limiting you, and next steps you can take to bridge the divide between these two, by forging a path. Yes, you have to forge your own path. Fully optimized health takes you listening deeply to yourself. No one else can do that for you. But a guide to partner with you in the process can be invaluable.

Are you ready to take the next step to integrated health? Are you ready to LYHL?